Friday, February 7, 2014

Methods of Waste Disposal

Waste disposal has become a serious concern with the exponential growth in technologies, industrial development, and the steady rise in population. People from the waste management department are searching for the best ways and methodologies for disposal as it is constantly affecting human health and the environment as well.
Recent advancements have introduced various waste disposal methods among which following are some of the most widely accepted across the globe:
Energy Recovery is one good way of waste disposal as it helps in the recycling of a re-usable form of waste. This recycled form can be used for various purposes like heating, cooking, or powering turbines. Recycling is a process that takes a substance through a system in order to make that substance re-usable. The process requires separation and cleaning of the waste materials and re-using them to ensure lower energy consumption. It helps provide a clean and healthy environment for the future, an environment that is healthy and fit for human existence.
Sanitary landfill disposal is a relatively cheaper option than the recycling method. It is a method in which the solid waste is buried between the dirt layers to fill the depth of the ground. This should be properly monitored and maintained in order to avoid water seeping in the filled land. Filled land can be re-used for various purposes.
Incineration is a process of burning a waste material to ashes. Such a method is popular in countries like Japan where there is less land available for disposal. When the process is being carried out, a large amount of energy, carbon dioxide, and some hazardous pollutants are released. This has become a serious concern as the pollutants are destroying the environmental health. With this modern incinerators are been introduced that make wise use of the energy released or wasted during the burning process. The modern method uses filters and scrubbers to ensure that no poisonous substances, pollutants, and acidic gases are released into the atmosphere. This prevents loss of energy and also helps dispose waste in an effective manner.
Ocean dumping is another way of disposing waste materials. Though it is one of the most inexpensive and convenient method, it is not recommended because of the damage it causes to all the lives in the depth of oceans. Even today people are dumping huge amount of waste into oceans but it should be curbed or used in an effective way so that marine life is not affected and even water is prevented from being polluted.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Never burn plastic bags

Plastic bags are a oil based product, which contains the chemical elements of hydrogen and carbon. When plastic bags burn, the composition of the bag mixed with the heat produces a highly toxic chemical called dioxin. Dioxins have been linked to cancer, can interfere with the endocrine gland system which produces hormones, and have been known to affect both the immune system and reproduction.

Burning any type of plastic releases toxic and potentially cancer-causing chemicals into the air, where they can be inhaled by humans and animals and deposited in soil and surface water and on plants. Residue from burning contaminates the soil and groundwater and can enter the human food chain through crops and livestock. If humans are near burn piles that contain plastic bags, they can easily ingest the toxic fumes directly into their systems.

Other chemicals released while burning plastics include benzo(a)pyrene (BAP) and other polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), which have both been shown to cause cancer. If plastic film or containers are contaminated with pesticides or other harmful substances, those will also be released into the air. If plastics are burned with other materials, additional toxic chemicals may be created from the interaction of the different substances.

Unburned portions of the plastic become litter on the ground and in lakes and rivers. As it disintegrates, animals may eat the plastic and get sick. Larger pieces of plastic can become a breeding ground for diseases, such as by trapping water that provides habitat for mosquitoes.

Adverse effects of smoking

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Monday, October 24, 2011

Wednesday, January 27, 2010